We want to produce the most nutrient dense eggs with the best flavor and texture possible. The inputs given to our chickens are directly correlated to the quality of egg they produce. Raised on pasture with lots of space, supplemented with high quality protein, fats and carbohydrates, we believe these are some of the best eggs on the planet.

Our eggs are meaningfully higher in protein, calcium, monounsaturated fat, and omega 3 fatty acids while being lower in polyunsaturated fat, saturated fat, and omega 6 fatty acids when compared to store bought eggs (using HEB's organic pasture-raised as a control for comparison).

We currently raise Buff Orpington, White Leghorn and Ameraucana layers. The ranch also has Barred Plymouth rocks that will be laying in September. Each layer variety has been chosen for specific reasons and each egg has its own unique flavor and texture. All the varietals have yolks that are significantly larger and the deep yellow-orange color is due to the unique diet and not supplements like so many farm raised birds. Grab a mixed dozen and let us know what you think.

How can we improve our eggs? Give us feedback